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Axe rampage fugitive nabbed after 2 years

by Staff reporter
21 Jul 2023 at 06:28hrs | Views
THE long arm of the law finally caught up with a 23-year-old man from Fort Rixon in Matabeleland South province who has been on the run for about two years after he allegedly axed another man on the head three times following a dispute over a satchel he was suspected to have stolen.

Admire Mpofu appeared before Bulawayo regional magistrate Joseph Mabeza facing a charge of robbery. He pleaded not guilty to the charge and was remanded in custody to 31 July.

Allegations against Mpofu are that on 28 September 2021 and at around 8pm, he followed Mphathisi Ngutshini who was drinking beer at Msudu Business Centre when he left the bar going home.

It is reported that Mpofu chased after Ngutshini for a while and when he finally caught up with him, he assaulted him.

He then produced an axe and struck Ngutshini three times on the head before demanding a brown satchel which he was carrying and had a G-tel cellphone.

Mpofu reportedly forcibly took the satchel and fled from the scene and Ngutshini was taken to the hospital for medical examination and a medical report was produced in court as evidence.
A report was made to the police and investigations were carried out leading to the arrest of Mpofu.

The value of the stolen property was US$45 and nothing was recovered.

In  defence, Mpofu said he did not rob Ngutshini but he was simply recovering a satchel which he had stolen from someone.

"The brown satchel and the cellphone were stolen by Ngutshini and people were looking for him," said Mpofu.

Source - B-Metro
More on: #Axe, #Court, #Arrested