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Mwonzora hits back at Witness Dube

by Staff reporter
24 Jul 2023 at 11:51hrs | Views
Party leader Douglas Mwonzora has hit back at his former national information and publicity secretary saying Witness Dube and the dozen MPs who defected have been "bought" by Zanu-PF: "Some top MDC leaders and parliamentarians, who were weak-willed, have been bought by trinkets and joined Zanu-PF."

Mwonzora added, "These blinded them such that they see nothing wrong with hobnobbing with a party that has destroyed the livelihoods of millions of Zimbabweans. The MDC remains the only party that is pro-poor and pro-people, a true vanguard of the people."

Witness Dube, the MDC spokesperson who brewed a shocker at the weekend when he defected to Zanu-PF and was paraded at a ruling party rally, says MDC funds were squandered. The party has received massive funding from taxpayers, who have a right to know how their money is spent. Dube told the VOA that even if the MDC were to win its Electoral Court appeal to be allowed to field parliamentary candidates in this election, it would still fail dismally to raise the money for candidate fees.

Source - online