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Married Woman Killed By Lover

by Erick Matotoba
27 Jul 2023 at 15:48hrs | Views
In a shocking turn of events, a Chiredzi man has been sentenced to an effective 20 years in prison for the murder of his married lover. High Court Judge Justice Garainesu Mawadze delivered the verdict on Friday, marking the end of a trial that has captivated the nation.

The convicted man, Alex Muchocha (47) of Farm 28, Hippo Valley in Chiredzi, was found guilty of killing Mercy Mukowa, a young woman aged between 18-21, on November 23, 2021, at Chiredzi Dumpsite. The brutal act saw Mercy stabbed multiple times, with fatal wounds inflicted on her thighs and stomach, leading to her death at the scene.

What has left many puzzled is how Mercy managed to maintain relationships with both Muchocha and her husband, Peter Majoka (32), who resides separately at shacks in Chiredzi Dumpsite, without raising suspicions of infidelity.

During the trial, Isabel Moyo of Mutendi, Mudisi, and Shumba represented Muchocha on a pro-deo basis. He pleaded for culpable homicide, claiming that he had no intention of killing Mercy. His defense argued that he was outraged after discovering that Mercy had stolen US$600 and a mobile phone and spent the money with her husband, Majoka.

However, Justice Mawadze dismissed Muchocha's plea, stating that he was not a credible witness. The judge highlighted inconsistencies in Muchocha's testimony, pointing out that Mercy lived with Majoka and only spent a few days with Muchocha.

Moreover, it was revealed that Muchocha used force to stab Mercy after the knife's blade separated from the handle, further indicating his violent intentions. Additionally, Muchocha failed to substantiate his claim that Mercy was involved with multiple men.

During the proceedings, Muchocha did not show remorse for his actions and instead blamed Mercy for her adultery, which further incensed him. Majoka testified in court, revealing that Muchocha had once introduced himself as Mercy's uncle during a previous encounter, suggesting that he was aware of their relationship.

Justice Mawadze emphasized that a defense of provocation was not applicable in this case and asserted that Muchocha had intended to kill Mercy. As a result, he was convicted of murder with actual intent. The judge made it clear that falling in love or emotions should not warrant a death penalty.

The tragic incident occurred when Muchocha encountered Mercy and Majoka with another individual, Chipo Msipa, at Chiredzi Dumpsite. Armed with an okapi knife, Muchocha approached them cautiously. Majoka, sensing danger, fled to alert other residents of the dumpsite, leaving Mercy vulnerable.

Tragically, Mercy could not escape, and Muchocha attacked her with a series of fatal stabbings. The following day, police apprehended Muchocha, leading to the trial that ultimately resulted in his conviction.

The sentencing of Alex Muchocha has brought a sense of closure to the victim's family and the community, but it has also raised awareness of the importance of addressing domestic and relationship issues in a non-violent manner. The case serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of resorting to violence to resolve conflicts and disputes.

Source - Erick Matotoba