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Girlfriend pours boiling oil on lover's privates

by Staff reporter
29 Jul 2023 at 02:24hrs | Views
IT is normal, occasionally, in any relationship that tempers flare and hurtful words are spoken.

But what happens when you discover that your loved one is cheating on you?

Wonder no more!

Tofara Masendu (28) from Bulawayo was left groaning in agony after his girlfriend Sithandazile Ncube (20) scalded his face and genitals with boiling cooking oil after he assaulted her as punishment for allegedly double-crossing him.

A source close to the incident said Masendu was relaxing on the bed with his girlfriend at his place at a flat in the city centre when they had a fallout.

"Masendu told her that he bumped into raunchy chats on her phone which she was exchanging with another man. After that he accused her of cheating on him," the source said.

The source said in the midst of that the pair exchanged harsh words which resulted in Masendu bashing her.

"He grabbed her before throttling her. He then punched her and kicked her all over the body while accusing her of disrespecting him and cheating on him," said the source.

After bashing her, Masendu relaxed on the bed and subsequently fell asleep and it was during that time when things turned nasty for him.

"His girlfriend boiled cooking oil and poured it on his face and genitals. After that she fled leaving him groaning in agony," the source said.

Masendu reported the incident at Bulawayo Central Police Station leading to the arrest of his girlfriend.

Bulawayo police spokesperson Inspector Abednico Ncube confirmed the incident.

He said: "We urge community members to engage third parties such as friends, relatives or pastors rather than resorting to violence because such unbecoming behaviour might lead to an unnecessary loss of life."

Efforts to get a comment from Masendu were fruitless.

Source - B-Metro
More on: #Lover, #Private, #Oil