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Mwonzora launches party manifesto

by Staff reporter
01 Aug 2023 at 01:28hrs | Views
Opposition MDC-T leader Douglas Mwonzora yesterday launched his party manifesto promising to create a US$100 billion economy by 2040, offering free primary and secondary education as well as free health services.

Launching the manifesto at the party headquarters in Harare, MDC-T secretary-general Tapuwa Mashakada said the United States dollar will be introduced as the micro-economic stabilising currency for the first 100 days of an MDC-T government.

Secretary general Mashakada said their Government will have a trimmed Cabinet.

"Our Government will only have 15 Cabinet Ministers. It will be an efficient lean Cabinet. Our policy on education is very clear: free primary education, free secondary education to start with.

"We will also introduce Government grants for students who are learning in tertiary institutions. We must have people accessing health facilities for free, drugs, consultations for free, the money will be there," he said.

Mr Mashakada said the money would be there and they intend to establish a national health system which is like the National Social Security Authority (NSSA) where every employer will contribute.

"Within the first 100 days of our Government we will retain the US dollar. Why are we going to introduce the dollar?

"It will give us time to plan and strengthen our currency so we are going to anchor our economy during the first 100 days on the US dollar," he said.

MDC-T president Mr Mwonzora also said his party was against the harsh economic sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe.

"The MDC-T through its manifesto is providing a pledge to the people of Zimbabwe. I shall not repeat everything that the secretary general has ably articulated, but the MDC-T Government will bring everlasting peace, tranquility and tolerance.

"It will end Zimbabwe's international isolation. For the record the MDC-T does not support sanctions against Zimbabwe…," he said.

Mr Mwonzora said his party, which is led by him, one of the drafters of the national Constitution, shall make sure that people's rights are respected. The launch comes after the opposition outfit had Mwonzora postponed launching its election manifesto waiting for the High Court case, in which they were seeking to have their legislators permitted to contest.

Source - The Herald