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David Coltart apologises to Jonathan Moyo

by Staff reporter
01 Aug 2023 at 08:26hrs | Views
Senator David Coltart of the Citizens Coalition for Change has apologised to exiled Zimbabwe Cabinet minister Jonathan Moyo for invoking Moyo's father in a political debate.

Moyo announced Coltart's apology on his Twitter account.

Said Moyo, "Subsequent to my tweet yesterday re: David Coltart's tweet the previous day referencing my father, David has apologised through my DM and I have accepted his gentlemanly conduct in doing so!"

Coltart also confirmed that he did apologise.
"I confirm my apology. My intention was not to reopen old wounds. The loss of any parent is hard to bear and political differences should never be allowed to inflict such hurts. I am grateful that Jonathan has accepted my apology," said Coltart.

Moyo wrote a long open letter to Coltart over his remarks about his late father Melusi Job Mlevu who was brutally killed by the state-sponsored Fifth Brigade - the instrument of Gukurahundi massacres - on 12 January 1983.

Moyo was protesting Coltart's reference to his father's murder on which he had said he always genuinely sympathised with him and his attendant political involvement with Zanu-PF.

The late former president Robert Mugabe was the architect of Gukurahundi implemented by top Zanu-PF political leaders and military commanders, including President Emmerson Mnangagwa, then State Security minister.

Source - Byo24News