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Chamisa ally joins Zanu-PF

by Staff reporter
09 Aug 2023 at 18:39hrs | Views
Former opposition official Paddington Japajapa, who recently lost in the CCC candidates selection process in Warren Park, Harare, ahead of the 23 August general elections, has rejoined Zanu-PF, lashing out at President Emmerson Mnangagwa's main rival Nelson Chamisa.

Japajapa, who was in the MDC-T, MDC-A and until now CCC, joined the bandwagon of opportunistic opposition defectors to Zanu-PF, saying he was back home from CCC where there is nothing for him.

He was even given the chance to address Zanu-PF's provincial star rally at Robert Mugabe Square in Harare today in Mnangagwa's presence.

In 2018, Japajapa, who was an MDC-A national executive member then, was arrested and sent to jail on charges of inciting public violence.

Source - online
More on: #Ccc, #Japajapa, #Zau-pf