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ZRP boss promotes 186 officers day after elections

by Staff reporter
26 Aug 2023 at 08:51hrs | Views
ZIMBABWE Republic Police (ZRP) Commissioner General Godwin Matanga promoted 186 officers a day after elections in what is understood to be a ploy to ensure President Emmerson Mnangagwa's bid to retain presidency is protected against any exterior force.

The promotions were announced on August 24 to all police stations across the country according to a leaked memo.

According to the memo, the elevation is not based on examinations as is usual but on merit.

With effect from August 11, Matanga promoted 18 to the positions of Chief Inspector, 22 to Inspector, and 146 to Assistant Inspector.

Other promotions to positions of Superintendent are set to be announced at a date not advised in the memo at hand.

"The Commissioner General of Police is pleased to announce the promotion of the following officers with effect from 11 August 2023 as hereunder shown in order of merit," reads the memo.

"Officers Commanding provinces shall preside over conferment of the newly promoted junior officers (Inspectors and Chief Inspectors) including those from the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) on a date to be advised.

"The Commissioner General of Police shall be pleased to officiate the conferment of newly promoted Superintendents on a date and venue to be advised.

"The Commissioner General of Police heartily congratulates promoted officers on attainment of new ranks."

Matanga's move to promote the 186 comes at a time when Mnangagwa's position is being challenged by Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) in Zimbabwe's General Elections.

Although presidential election results are yet to be announced Mnangagwa is facing stiff competition from the new outfit that has already managed a clean sweep in Bulawayo and won 23 out of 26 seats in Harare.

"Remember officers have been complaining of these promotions since Matanga took over. We know promotions on merit are done after examinations and not hand-picking for political reasons," said an officer at the Police General Headquarters.

"This is meant to motivate seniors to ensure they will protect Mnangagwa in a case where he loses. In all this, we are the ones who will suffer because we are the ones who will be required to fight against the people's choice."

Source - NewZimbabwe