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CCC to challenge Mnangagwa victory

by Staff reporter
27 Aug 2023 at 04:52hrs | Views
THE Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has rejected Emmerson Mnangagwa's victory announced by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) adding it will advise citizens on next steps as the situation develops.

Mnangagwa has been re-elected with 52.6% of the vote, beating challenger Nelson Chamisa who got 44%.

"Mnangagwa Emmerson Dambudzo of Zanu-PF party is declared duly elected president of the Republic of Zimbabwe," Zimbabwe Electoral Commission chairperson Justice Chigumba said at a press conference Saturday evening.

However, as was the case five years ago when Mnangagwa won his first term after beating Chamisa in a disputed poll, CCC has refused to accept the result.

The opposition party's newly appointed spokesperson Promise Mkwananzi described the election results announced on Saturday evening as "hastily assembled without proper verification."

CCC added it would advise citizens on next steps in due course, setting the stage for another possible court challenge.

Mwananzi wrote on social media soon after ZEC's announcement: "We reject any result hastily assembled without proper verification NOT lectureship. We will advise citizens on the next steps as the situation develops. We will not relent on the people's victory!"

Zimbabweans went to the ballot box on Wednesday and Thursday in polling marred by delays in opposition strongholds and allegations of voter intimidation in rural areas.

Foreign poll observers, including from the regional body SADC said on Friday that the elections had failed to meet regional and international standards.

Source - newzimbabwe
More on: #Ccc, #Mnangagwa, #Victory