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Ndebeles celebrate Mzilikazi day

by Staff reporter
09 Sep 2023 at 16:31hrs | Views
The Ndebele Nation, which comprises various ethnic groups in Zimbabwe with the Nguni tribe as its nucleus,  today commemorated the 155th anniversary of the death of its founder King Mzilikazi Khumalo.

Mzilikazi KaMashobane died on 9 September 1868.

The Ndebele Nation as found in present-day Matabeleland region is historically composed of Ngunis, Kalangas, Sothos, Vendas, Tongas, Nambyas, Tswanas and Shanganis, among others.

Historically, even some people of Rozvi or Shona origin were assimilated into the Ndebele Nation.

Born near Mkhuze in Zululand in present-day KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, in 1790, Mzilikazi, son of Mashobana, a famous AmaNtungwa clan chief, left an indelible mark on history after he broke away from Zulu King Shaka following a historically defining and impactful fallout at the height of Mfecane, times of trouble.

He charted his own new path, through South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Zambia, finally settling in Zimbabwe, founding the Ndebele Nation which  changed the country's geo-ethnic map, cultural identity and diversity.

This has left an enduring legacy which still defines Zimbabwe this day.

After his death, Mzilikazi was buried at Mhlahlandlela, Entumbane cave, in Matobo, 20 kilometres south of Bulawayo.

Source - online