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SADC plans to reverse Mnangagwa poll victory?

by Staff reporter
12 Sep 2023 at 15:12hrs | Views
Prominent Zimbabwean academic and SAPES Trust leader, Ibbo Mandaza, has revealed that he has knowledge of plans within the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to overturn President Emmerson Mnangagwa's controversial election victory. Mandaza suggests that SADC leaders aim to pressure Mnangagwa into engaging in negotiations with opposition parties regarding the future of Zimbabwe.

The August 23rd election in Zimbabwe was deemed flawed by SADC and other international observer missions, sparking a negative response from the Zimbabwean government. Mandaza, a political analyst, expressed concerns about the legitimacy of Mnangagwa's re-election.

In a recent interview with media mogul Trevor Ncube, Mandaza disclosed that SADC might convene an extraordinary summit to deliberate on its next course of action concerning Zimbabwe. He believes SADC is likely to take a firm stance on Mnangagwa's legal status as the leader of Zimbabwe.

Mandaza is actively lobbying regional bodies like SADC and the African Union (AU) to exert pressure on Mnangagwa's administration to accept the formation of a transitional authority. He mentioned that some foreign ministers within SADC have shared with him their countries' plans to challenge Mnangagwa's election victory.

"I have been in contact with governments across the region at the foreign affairs level," he stated. "It's evident that this issue will not be ignored. There is a lack of legitimacy, and according to the rules, Emmerson's inauguration can be overturned."

Mandaza drew parallels between Mnangagwa's actions and those of former President Robert Mugabe in 2008, suggesting that both leaders attempted to preempt SADC's position by rushing their inaugurations. He questioned whether SADC would allow this to happen again, expressing doubts about such an outcome.

The main opposition, the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), has accused Mnangagwa of manipulating the election results in his favor and is calling for a rerun of the plebiscite. In the official tally, Mnangagwa was declared the winner with 52.6% of the national vote, while the CCC's Nelson Chamisa received 44%.

Source - zimlive