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Zimbabwe's election are the worst ever witnessed says Ibbo Mandaza

by Staff reporter
13 Sep 2023 at 19:02hrs | Views
Renowned political analyst Ibbo Mandaza has disclosed that the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and former Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan were highly critical of Zimbabwe's recent elections, describing them as the worst they had ever observed. Jonathan led the African Union (AU) and COMESA Election Observer Missions (EOMs) during the elections.

Mandaza revealed that he had personal discussions with various observer teams, during which they expressed serious reservations about how the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) managed the polls. He mentioned that many observers were embarrassed by the chaotic events that unfolded on August 23, and they all agreed that it was the worst election they had witnessed.

Mandaza also indicated that there were conversations between heads of state in the region, and some conveyed their dissatisfaction with the election process in Zimbabwe. He cited statements made by South African President Cyril Ramaphosa as an example of the regional discontent.

In addition to criticisms from observer missions, the election day itself was marked by significant delays, allegations of violence involving quasi-security groups like Forever Associates Zimbabwe (FAZ), and voter intimidation. Some members of observer missions were even arrested, and their equipment was confiscated by the police.

Mandaza suggested that SADC might seek to nullify the election, and he mentioned that he had been in contact with foreign affairs offices in the region, indicating that the issue was unlikely to be swept under the carpet.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa's legitimacy has come into question for the second time since he took power in 2017. Multiple international organizations and leaders, including SADC, the AU, the European Union (EU), the Carter Center, the Commonwealth, the United Kingdom, and the United States, have expressed concerns about the recent elections.

Source - NewZimbabwe