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ZLWVA congratulates Mnangagwa

by Simbarashe Sithole
14 Sep 2023 at 15:54hrs | Views
The Zimbabwe Liberation War Victims Association (ZLWVA) has congratulated ZANU PF leader Emmerson Mnangagwa for winning the 2023 harmonized elections.

In a statement ZLWA said we join the nation in commemorating the President of the republic of Zimbabwe and commander in chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces Cde Dr ED Mnangagwa on his resounding victory on the 2023 Harmonised Elections were the Ruling ZANU PF party under the able and bold leadership of His Excellency Cde Dr ED MNANGAGWA emerged victorious and remain solid in delivering the people's will thus the voice of the people is the voice of God and by so the nation rally behind the president and So is The ZLWVA.

 CONGRADULATIONS ONCE AGAIN TO YOU SHUMBA MURAMBWI as you have successfully been swon in on your Second term of office.

Mindful of the liberation war atrocities and predicaments which left many to perish, some emotionally derailed and other surviving comrades physically traumatized, it cannot be barely ignored, the history the legacy and the phase of a life time that sons and daughters of the soil toiled and tailed through for the betterment of this our beloved country Zimbabwe that we now enjoy in solace freedom and harmony as a sovereign nation. It is from this liberation warbackground that we peel of the ideology, the mantra the doctrine and the dogma that indeed this country was fought for and such a legacy together embrace us as a nation and help shape and engulf us as a nation.

And so it is through you your Excellency that the Second republic boldly uphold and embrace this treasure in uniting a united Zimbabwe under your leadership which is muchly guarded and guided by this ideology.

Your excellency the people of Zimbabwe have tried and tested and for so long will test and atest to your Soound leadership and uphold much confidence in the second republic guided by the fact that this nation is build, prayed for and ruled by its own people. NYIKA INOVAKWA NEVENE VAYO. It is this spirit of inclusivity tolerance and acceptability that draws ZIMBABWEANS from all corners of the nation to come together as a people and amass for a good cause thus LEAVING NOONE AND NO PLACE BEHIND.

The ZLWVA wishes to once again congratulate you your Excellency the President of the republic of Zimbabwe Cde Dr ED Mnangagwa on your Presidency which is result oriented , people hearted and revolutionary oriented leadership. Our Association applauds the good works that the second republic has achieved and continue to work and attain for the goodness of our fellow Zimbabweans. Under the blueprints of NDS1 your excellency Zimbabwe has achieved a lot and has since shifted to emerge a fast developing country through various projects and trajectories that are set to transform this country into an upper middle income economy by 2030. It is from this background that as the NDS2 is taking the second phase now ZIMBABWE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN and the people are rallying behind your leadership and your administration.

Vision 2030 came in and has since been embraced with all the zeal to take the country to another level, with roads being built, dams being constructed, vital institutions being commissions and empowerment projects being launched for a better Zimbabwe. Indeed one good term deserves another and so is the people of Zimbabwe saying as you embark on yet another phase if building the country brick upon brick and stone upon stone.

The ZLWVA joins the nation at large in celebrating these mile stones that the second republic has thus far achieved. Amid these jovial moments your excellency it is at a time that ZIMBABWE remain vigilant and be aware of perpetrators that have an agenda of anti govermenteism, westen puppets being used to destabilize the country and compromise the state of national affairs within the country. As the ZLWVA association mindfully guided by the liberation war history believe and strongly do si that at all costs the nation should be protected and engulfed as the liberation wounds bear truth to what it took for fellow sons and daughters of the soil to attain the Zimbabwe it is today.

Our continued support is guaranteed and we assure the second republic a blessed term of office which will take Zimbabwe to vision 2030s achievements to uplift the country and stand out in the region and to become an upper middle income economy by 2030 . Long live Zimbabwe long live your Excellency

CONGRADULATIONS makorokoto amhlope

Source - Byo24News