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Chamisa's party issued a warning about a concerning period ahead for Zimbabwe

by Staff reporter
15 Sep 2023 at 01:31hrs | Views
The Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has issued a warning about a concerning period ahead, citing the recent arrest of three opposition leaders within two weeks of President Emmerson Mnangagwa's inauguration.

Despite the State subsequently withdrawing charges against Sunningdale Member of Parliament Maureen Kademaunga, who had been accused of attempted murder and malicious damage to property, the CCC's Deputy Spokesperson, Ostallos Siziba, is expected to appear in court on allegations of inciting violence at a football match.

Additionally, Harare Deputy Mayor Kudzai Kadzombe, who was sworn in just days earlier, was arrested on assault charges, while CCC's Chirumanzu South candidate, Patrick Cheza, is currently held in Whawha Prison on assault charges as well.

Siziba described these actions as indicative of a "scared and illegitimate government." He asserted that the recent attacks, persecution, and arrests of CCC members reflect the government's fear, especially after the election results. Siziba expressed concerns about the country heading into a period of illegitimacy, stagnation, and uncertainty, with a closing democratic space and an assault on dissenting voices. He further emphasized that a disputed and discredited election cannot produce a legitimate leadership.

CCC spokesperson Promise Mkwananzi, who recently fled the country after an alleged abduction attempt, dismissed the 2020 warrant of arrest issued by the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) as an attempt to intimidate him. Mkwananzi claimed that he had been cleared of previous charges and saw the warrant as part of ongoing efforts to suppress freedoms.

In a separate case, former CCC legislator Job Sikhala has been in Chikurubi Maximum Prison for over a year on charges of inciting violence.

Source - NewZimbabwe