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Chadzamira lobbies his clansmen to start hunting for Chadzamira's replacement

by Staff reporter
23 Sep 2023 at 19:56hrs | Views
Chief Fortune Charumbira appears to be facing multiple battles, both regionally and locally. He is vying for control of the Pan African Parliament while simultaneously engaging in local politics against incumbent legislator Ezra Chadzamira for the Masvingo West constituency.

Ever since allegations of a sex scandal earlier this year, Chief Charumbira has encountered various challenges. His recent contentious statements against the Minister of State for Provincial Affairs for Masvingo, Chadzamira, may indicate that he is in a precarious position.

In a public address to his constituents in Ward 12, Chief Charumbira declared his intention to fight against Chadzamira's reelection bid for the Masvingo West Constituency in 2028. He urged his clansmen to seek a replacement candidate for Chadzamira, citing grievances and disagreements between them.

Charumbira also claimed to have informed President Emmerson Mnangagwa about the discord between him and Chadzamira, emphasizing his resolve to confront the issue.

Allegations suggest that Zanu-PF lost Wards 11 and 12 due to Charumbira's campaign against Chadzamira, whom he publicly expressed his disapproval of. During his address, Charumbira shifted some blame to Chadzamira but encouraged villagers to vote for the councilor.

Charumbira explained his involvement in the Pan African Parliament (PAP) and defended his decision to become vice president of the chiefs' council.

In response, Chadzamira acknowledged that election time had passed and expressed gratitude to the people of Masvingo for peaceful voting. He emphasized the importance of unity and collaboration for development and encouraged respect for traditional leaders' opinions and views.

Please note that this rewrite is based on the information provided, and some details may be subject to interpretation or additional context.

Source - TellZim News