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Mnangagwa cuts on foreign trips for government ministers

by Staff reporter
26 Sep 2023 at 13:59hrs | Views
President Emmerson Mnangagwa has issued directives to government ministers and senior officials within the country's extensive bureaucracy, urging them to reduce their foreign travel activities, citing disruptions to the effective execution of government affairs.

Mnangagwa conveyed these instructions during his inaugural cabinet meeting following his controversial re-election last month. Notably, he addressed criticisms of his own lavish foreign trips, stressing that such journeys should only occur if they hold "strategic significance" for the nation.

Additionally, Mnangagwa emphasized that simultaneous absences of ministers and their corresponding permanent secretaries from the country would be discouraged, as this practice adversely affected routine government operations.

He stated, "Moreover, overseas travel will be strictly confined to programs that align with our national priorities and are of paramount strategic importance."

Critics have accused Mnangagwa of extravagant foreign expenditures, particularly his recent trip to the UN General Assembly in New York, which included a large delegation with generous travel allowances covered by taxpayers.

Furthermore, Mnangagwa addressed the issue of ministers expressing discontent towards their deputy ministers, asserting his authority by stating that the decision to appoint deputy ministers rests with him alone.

He urged government ministers to recognize the complementary roles of their deputy ministers, highlighting the importance of maximizing their skill sets in tandem. Mnangagwa also mentioned that a relevant circular outlining the functions of deputy ministers would be provided for the benefit of all concerned parties.

Source - zimlive