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'Sekusile terminus, a disaster waiting to happen'

by Staff reporter
27 Sep 2023 at 12:03hrs | Views
Residents of Ward 23 have expressed serious concerns about the Sekusile Bus Terminus and Shopping Centre in Nkulumane, describing it as a potential disaster waiting to happen due to uncollected waste and a constant flow of untreated water at a water kiosk established in the area.

They have also called on the Bulawayo City Council (BCC) to take immediate action and implement measures to improve hygiene at the flea market center, creating a more favorable environment for vendors.

Irene Ndlovu, the acting chairperson for the Bulawayo Progressive Residents Association (BPRA), voiced the residents' worries about the uncollected garbage at Sekusile.

"There is a significant amount of litter at Sekusile due to the influx of vendors. More vendors have occupied the space to sell their goods, and they often leave behind a substantial amount of litter. While community working groups try to clean up the area and pile the garbage, it takes a considerable amount of time before it is collected," Ndlovu explained.

She also pointed out that there is a water tap designed to assist residents during water shortages, but people are not taking proper care of it. This tap is located next to the area where garbage is dumped while awaiting collection. Sometimes, individuals leave the water running, leading to the dampening of the garbage and creating a mess.

Ndlovu further stressed the need for the ward councilor to facilitate the construction of a trench that would allow for the free flow of water instead of it accumulating and potentially becoming a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

Another challenge at the center is the presence of a bottle store where people now spend time drinking, in violation of city regulations.

"In the past, people did not consume alcohol at bottle stores; they only bought their drinks there and consumed them at home. However, nowadays, you find residents drinking at the bottle store. Many of the patrons, especially men, do not use the public toilet on the premises; instead, they urinate behind it, contributing to further pollution in the area," explained the BPRA official.

She also highlighted the issue of the toilet facilities being owned by a private individual, making them less accessible to everyone, as not everyone can afford to pay for their use. This raises questions about where the rest of the people go for restroom facilities, emphasizing the need for addressing these issues at Sekusile.

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