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George Charamba knows Chamisa more than Mkwananzi and Siziva

by Staff reporter
28 Sep 2023 at 04:27hrs | Views
Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa's spokesperson, George Charamba, has taken to his Twitter account to assert that they possess deeper insights into Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa compared to his two spokesmen, Promise Mkwananzi and Ostallos Siziva.

Charamba's comments were prompted by statements from Mkwananzi and Siziva that criticized Roman Catholic priest Father Fidelis Mukonori's call for Chamisa to concede defeat and engage in dialogue with Mnangagwa for the nation's progress. Charamba did not elaborate on the nature of the additional knowledge they claimed to have about Chamisa.

Mukonori, as reported by state-owned media, emphasized the importance of wisdom and courage in accepting defeat. He suggested that Chamisa and Mnangagwa should engage in discussions to avoid potential violence associated with street protests.

Mkwananzi, currently evading police for offenses dating back to 2019, dismissed Mukonori's statement as biased due to the priest's perceived support for Mnangagwa during the 2017 "coup" that led to Mnangagwa taking over from former President Robert Mugabe. Mkwananzi argued that the events of the August 2023 elections did not meet the criteria for a legitimate election, a sentiment echoed by many observer missions.

Siziva, despite being elected to Parliament in those elections and taking the oath of office, asserted that the elections were a sham due to alleged violations of the Constitution, electoral laws, and regional and international guidelines.

In response to Mkwananzi and Siziva, Charamba emphasized the need for respect toward Father Mukonori, highlighting his extensive history as a negotiator, dating back to the country's independence. He criticized Mkwananzi and Siziva for their derogatory remarks, considering Father Mukonori's significant contributions to Zimbabwe's history and contemporary affairs, including peace initiatives during the Liberation Struggle and the 2017 Operation.

Charamba insinuated that Chamisa's reaction to electoral defeat was predictable, suggesting that he would eventually seek accommodation with Mnangagwa over the next five years. He cryptically mentioned, "We happen to know a little more about him than these two youngsters!!!"

It remains unclear whom Charamba was referring to when he used the term "we" in relation to their knowledge about Chamisa. Speculation has circulated about whether Chamisa made pre-election deals with Mnangagwa and subsequently rejected the election results to appease his supporters who desired Mnangagwa's removal from power.

Source - zimbabwemail