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Amnesty International issues a scathing evaluation of Mnangagwa's first term,

by Staff reporter
29 Sep 2023 at 14:36hrs | Views
Amnesty International has issued a scathing evaluation of President Emmerson Mnangagwa's initial term, characterizing it as a period marked by a severe crackdown on human rights and a failure to escape the oppressive legacy of Robert Mugabe's rule.

Khanyo Farisè, the Deputy Director for Southern Africa at Amnesty International, expressed that the government missed an opportunity to rectify past injustices and instead continued to act with impunity.

"The Mnangagwa administration has squandered a historic chance to address historical wrongs and, instead, has escalated efforts to suppress human rights," stated Farisè.

Farisè emphasized that the cycle of violence would persist until there was a genuine commitment to upholding human rights and ending impunity. To prevent a repetition of history, the Zimbabwean government must sincerely address past injustices.

Criticism has been directed at the government for stifling dissenting voices, particularly in the aftermath of a disputed election. Numerous opposition members have been detained on what they deem to be baseless charges. Controversial legislative measures passed in parliament have been employed to arrest opposition politicians and government critics.

Farisè also noted that the government has become adept at using legislation to silence dissenting opinions, taking cues from Mugabe's era.

"The Mnangagwa administration continues to exploit legal avenues to suppress human rights and silence anyone who expresses dissenting views. The recently passed amendments to the Criminal Code, once enacted into law, will inevitably deter potential dissenters, especially given the severe penalties it carries," Farisè concluded.

Source - NewZimbabwe