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WATCH: Shock as UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak blasts Transgender people

by Mandla Ndlovu
04 Oct 2023 at 11:57hrs | Views
On the fourth day of the Conservative Party conference in Manchester, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak made controversial statements regarding gender identity, straying from the generally supportive stance that the Western world has held toward LGBT+ rights. Sunak's remarks have ignited a fierce debate in the UK, with both support and criticism pouring in from various quarters.

In his speech, Prime Minister Sunak declared that British people should not feel coerced into accepting the notion that individuals can change their sex at will. He stated, "We are going to change this country, and that means life means life. Now that shouldn't be a controversial position, the vast majority of hard-working people agree with it." Sunak's comments underscored his intent to prioritize traditional definitions of gender over the progressive perspectives that have gained traction in recent years.

Sunak also addressed the issue of education, asserting that parents should have the right to know what their children are being taught in school about relationships. He added that patients should be informed about the gender-specific language used in healthcare settings. "And we shouldn't get bullied into believing that people can be any sex they want to be," Sunak emphasized. "A man is a man, a woman is a woman, that's just common sense."

These remarks by the Prime Minister come at a time when the Western world has been known for its support of LGBT+ rights and inclusivity. The statements have drawn sharp criticism from pro-LGBT activists and organizations within the UK, who argue that Sunak's stance may undermine the rights and experiences of transgender individuals.
Watch the video below:

Amidst this controversy, Atieno Mwangi, a social commentator from Kenya, praised Sunak's stance and claimed it resonates with the perspectives held by several African countries over the years. Mwangi stated, "In many African countries, the concept of gender identity is deeply rooted in traditional values, and there's been a consistent resistance to broadening the understanding of gender. Sunak's comments mirror this sentiment and highlight a perspective that's prevalent in many African societies."

As the discussion surrounding these issues continues to unfold, the backlash faced by Prime Minister Sunak from pro-LGBT activists within the UK has intensified. The divide between those who applaud his stance as a preservation of traditional values and those who condemn it as a threat to transgender rights remains a contentious topic in the country's political and social landscape.

Source - Byo24News