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Binga villagers cry foul

by Peter Matuka
10 Oct 2023 at 15:02hrs | Views
VILLAGERS in Chinego area in Chief Pashu area, Binga have appealed to the government to urgently rehabilitate a road that links to Kariangwe which was damaged by rains last rainy season.

Government declared the state of the road network in the country a state of disaster following heavy rains that left a lot of damage.

 Rehabilitation work has been taking place mostly in trunk roads and highways where roadworks are underway.
The Tinde-Chinego-Kariangwe road has not been attended to and villagers are concerned that the state of the road is making traveling difficult.

Transporters are cashing in as they are charging an arm and a leg while businesses fear losing business as a result of lack of transport due to poor roads.

The road links Tinde, Chinego, Pashu and Kariyangwe Business Centre in neighbouring Chief Siansali area.

Villagers told that the area risks being isolated from the rest of the country because of the damaged road after most sections of it including some small bridges were destroyed by the rains.

"Binga Rural District Council should take this issue as a matter of urgency. The community has made numerous calls to the council especially about the grid which was damaged but it seems nothing is happening," said Mr Thabani Nyoni, a businessman at Chinego.

A bus company that used to operate in the district from Bulawayo using the road stopped services some months ago because the road is bad.

Villagers in Chinego fear lives could be lost if the rains start before the grid is fixed.

"The road is bad and worse at the grid which is now a death trap. It is not only dangerous to cars but to people as well and we might lose lives as it is the only way to Chinego primary and secondary schools hence children might be affected if the rains start before it is fixed. Something needs to be done as a matter of urgency," he added.

Efforts to get a comment from the local councilor for Pashu Ward 19, Councilor Tapera Chamukwanda was unfruitful due to network challenges in his area of residence.

Source - Byo24News