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Zanu-PF reverses land grab

by Staff reporter
11 Oct 2023 at 06:21hrs | Views
Zanu-PF has instructed its Mutare district co-ordinating committee chairperson, Binali Yard, to rescind the offer letters he recently distributed to individuals who had encroached upon council land.

Yard, along with other Zanu-PF members, faced allegations of occupying council land in the Gimboki area of Dangamvura, situated in the eastern border city. The land had originally been designated for a school and commercial plots but was subdivided into residential plots and allocated to 2,000 party supporters without charge.

In the most recent development, Yard informed Zanu-PF cell chairpersons in the district that he had received an order to withdraw the offer letters by the end of the day yesterday.

Yard acknowledged these developments when contacted for a statement. He stated, "Yes, I have received a letter instructing me to cease using the party's name. Additionally, I am heading to Gimboki to retract the offer letters after receiving an ultimatum. I will adhere to the directives of the party leadership."

Zanu-PF Manicaland provincial chairman, Tawanda Mukodza, declined to provide comments to the press.

Source - newsday
More on: #Zanu-pf, #Land, #Grab