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Chombo seeks re-admission into Zanu-PF

by Staff reporter
16 Oct 2023 at 01:06hrs | Views
Former Zanu-PF Politburo member and Secretary for Administration, Dr. Ignatius Chombo, has had his request for re-admission into the party accepted by the Mashonaland West Provincial Coordinating Committee. The final decision now rests with the national headquarters.

Dr. Chombo, who also served as Finance Minister during the late former President Robert Mugabe's administration, was suspended from the party in 2017 following Operation Restore Legacy.

In his letter, read by Zanu-PF provincial chairman Mary Mliswa-Chikoka to the members of the PCC in Chinhoyi, Dr. Chombo, who hasn't been a Zanu-PF member for the past six years, sought re-admission. He said, "I write to you to request to be officially admitted into the Party, following a five-year hiatus (2017-2023). Please let me know if you need more information."

Dr. Chombo, who hails from Zvimba, was welcomed back into the party by his district leadership. Senior member Ziyambi Ziyambi, a Politburo member from Zvimba, stated that Dr. Chombo had always remained loyal to the party, providing financial support.

All six political districts supported Dr. Chombo's acceptance by the province. Deputy provincial political commissar Jackison Chizanga seconded Dr. Chombo's readmission, emphasizing his seasoned and experienced political background that would strengthen the party.

Central committee member Silas Chimbiro noted that Dr. Chombo had not undermined the party during his six-year suspension, while Dexter Nduna, another central committee member representing Chegutu district, stated that Dr. Chombo deserved re-admission as a unifying figure.

Sibongile Bhebhe from Sanyati district also highlighted Dr. Chombo's contributions to the party during his tenure in the party's administration.

Dr. Chombo's letter and the recommendations from the PCC and the provincial executive committee will be forwarded to Zanu-PF's national headquarters for consideration before a final decision is made.

During the meeting, the provincial leadership also discussed resolutions to be presented at this year's conference. Chairman Mary Mliswa-Chikoka congratulated President Mnangagwa for his resounding victory in the August 23 election and provided information about the upcoming conference in Gweru.

Ziyambi warned party members against factionalism and emphasized the party's supremacy.

Source - The Herald