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Zanu-PF CCC lock horns

by Staff reporter
21 Oct 2023 at 13:55hrs | Views
The Vungu Rural District Council ward 14 by-election scheduled for November 11 will see the ruling Zanu-PF candidate, Aaron Muchemwa, competing against the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) representative, Chipo Anna Matambiko.

Last week, both Muchemwa and Matambiko successfully submitted their nomination papers to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC). The by-election was postponed earlier due to the sudden death of Zanu-PF candidate Mtangi Muyambo a few weeks before the August 23 and 24 harmonized elections. As a result, ZEC had to cancel the initial election proceedings and make preparations for new nominations to replace Muyambo.

Zanu-PF's Gweru district spokesperson, Victor Maride, expressed his party's confidence in securing victory in the by-election. He noted that this win would be significant, especially in light of the upcoming Zanu-PF national people's conference in Gweru from October 27 to 28. A victory would be seen as a bonus for President Emmerson Mnangagwa and the ruling party.

On the other hand, CCC's Matambiko conveyed her confidence in winning, citing her party's track record of delivering tangible results at the local government level, despite obstacles posed by Zanu-PF in the daily management of local authorities.

Source - newsday