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CCC recalls sign of party's internal problems, says Mwonzora

by Staff reporter
25 Oct 2023 at 08:57hrs | Views
Douglas Mwonzora, the leader of MDC-T, has pointed out that the recent recalls carried out by Sengezo Tshabangu on behalf of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) highlight a deficiency in corporate governance within the main opposition party.

Mwonzora emphasized that Tshabangu's actions serve as a call for the party to establish proper organizational structures.

"It is evident that there is a lack of corporate governance within the party," he remarked. "I am aware that Tshabangu endorsed other candidates in this election, and people cannot claim ignorance of his involvement. What Tshabangu is essentially advocating for is a return to corporate governance, a party with well-defined structures and officials, as opposed to a one-man band. That's the rationale behind it, rather than a matter of legality."

Mwonzora also argued that the CCC failed to submit its constitution to parliament, making it challenging for the Speaker of Parliament, Jacob Mudenda, to determine the party's legitimate representative.

"But if such documentation is absent, the Speaker cannot speculate about the party's authorized spokesperson. According to the law, it is not the Speaker's role to decide the validity of Tshabangu's mandate. That responsibility lies elsewhere," he explained.

Mwonzora further defended Mudenda's actions, asserting that the Speaker lacks the authority to interfere in the internal affairs of political parties.

"The law is crystal clear, and it's worth noting that this law was drafted in Bulawayo, specifically at the Rainbow Hotel, 5th floor. Those involved in drafting it included myself, Jacob Mudenda, Paul Mangwana, the late Magaisa, Edward Mukosi, and a lawyer from Bulawayo named Josphat Tshuma. We carefully crafted it and intentionally removed the Speaker's powers to adjudicate matters originating from political parties," Mwonzora disclosed.

He emphasized that recalls should be addressed at a political level, and when they reach parliament, the legislature has no discretion. Mwonzora added that he couldn't definitively confirm Tshabangu's authority, but emphasized the importance of presenting evidence of his lack of authority, which should be derived from the party's constitution.

Mwonzora also characterized Chamisa's communication with the Speaker of Parliament as an afterthought.

"Tshabangu's recalls did occur, resulting in the removal of individuals from Parliament. This implies that Tshabangu possesses the authority, given that he acted proactively. In these situations, the one who takes the first step gains the advantage."

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More on: #Mwonzora, #CCC, #Zanu-PF