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Drama as woman beds brother-in-law

by Staff reporter
25 Oct 2023 at 14:32hrs | Views
A Makoni woman, Marina Maombedze from Nyamusosa Village, was recently caught in the act when she took advantage of her husband's extended absence to engage in a romantic encounter with her brother-in-law, Tawanda Kashoti, in their marital bedroom.

Marina is married to Mandava Maombedze, who was away working in Kadoma at the time. Mandava reported the incident to Chief Makoni's court, seeking six cattle as compensation for the transgression. However, Tawanda failed to appear at the hearing.

Shupikai Maombedze, the brother of Mandava, explained that he had visited his brother's home one evening to collect some money as instructed by Mandava. To his surprise, he stumbled upon Marina and Tawanda in a compromising situation in the presence of Marina's young child. The couple was so reckless that they were engaging in their activities with the bedroom doors wide open.

Shupikai shared, "Mandava owed a friend some money. Since he was away at work, he called and instructed me to collect the money from his wife. I went to his homestead in the company of another villager and knocked at the door, but there was no response despite signs that there were people inside."

He continued, "Fortunately, the main door was unlocked, and I entered. I called Marina, but she did not respond. The bedroom has no door, and I saw some feet. Marina emerged from the bedroom, and I asked her why she had taken so long to respond, and she remained quiet. She looked confused. I entered the bedroom and saw Marina's child seated with a packet of snacks. I pulled the blanket, and to my surprise, it was also being pulled from the other side."

Shupikai revealed how a tug of war ensued with the person on the other side of the blanket, who ultimately turned out to be Tawanda. He said, "I am married to Tawanda's sister. I asked him what he was doing in my brother's bedroom, and he claimed that he was loading music onto Marina's phone. I quizzed him further, and he begged for forgiveness."

Despite Tawanda's pleas to keep the matter a secret, Shupikai refused and called other villagers and relatives. The incident was reported to the local headman, but Tawanda did not attend the hearing.

"The Kashotis are saying if I ever encounter any challenges with their sister l will face the consequences. After they received summons to appear before this court, they moved all their cattle from their homestead to avoid compensation. We have brought these condoms and snacks that we recovered at the scene as evidence," said Shupikai.

Marina admitted to having an affair with Tawanda, stating, "It is true that I was dating Tawanda, we got intimate four times," during her testimony at Chief Makoni's court.

The court found Tawanda guilty of adultery and incest and ruled that he should compensate Mandava with four cattle for the adultery. Additionally, due to the close familial relationship between Marina and Tawanda, he was fined a beast for incest. Tawanda's willful absence from court hearings resulted in a fine of three goats. He was also ordered to cover Mandava's court costs, amounting to US$420.

Source - online
More on: #Drama, #Woma, #Bed