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Mthwakazi leader refuses to step down

by Staff reporter
26 Oct 2023 at 01:37hrs | Views
Ousted Mthwakazi Republic Party (MRP) leader, Mqondisi Moyo, has adamantly refused to step down, maintaining that he is still in control.

Moyo was removed from his position as the leader of MRP due to allegations of hate speech and mismanagement, among other charges.

An interim committee, headed by co-chairpersons Thembisani Mpofu and Chilumbo Mudenda, has been assigned to arrange an elective congress next year.

Despite this, Moyo insisted that the interim committee is made up of impostors. In an interview, he stated, "I cannot be unrealistic and claim that there are no challenges. Obstacles exist... This movement will not be derailed by those who seem more interested in appeasing our adversaries. They are not genuine. We advocate for peace and justice in our time."

On the other hand, the MRP emphasized that Moyo remains ousted as the party leader and has been relegated to the status of an ordinary card-carrying member. Mbonisi Gumbo, the interim party spokesperson, stated, "It should be explicitly clarified that Moyo and other members were not expelled. They are still MRP members but no longer hold their previous positions unless they are re-elected at the upcoming congress."

Source - newsday