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BCC engages AfDB over water

by Staff reporter
27 Oct 2023 at 01:21hrs | Views
Bulawayo City Council (BCC) officials have initiated discussions with the African Development Bank (AfDB) to secure funding for short-term measures to alleviate the water crisis by improving water provision from Nyamandlovu. This move comes in response to significant pressure from residents who demand swift resolution to the city's prolonged water supply issues.

Bulawayo has experienced escalating water supply shortages, leading to many suburbs enduring extended periods without water. As a result, residents have been compelled to use unsafe water sources, which poses severe health risks.

Mayor David Coltart disclosed that he met with AfDB officials to discuss the Nyamandlovu water project, emphasizing the need to secure the necessary funding. Additionally, Coltart mentioned that they reached out to the Zimbabwe National Water Authority (Zinwa) to seek advice on repairing borehole pumps, which are under Zinwa's jurisdiction.

The long-term solution to the city's water woes is the Gwayi-Shangani project. However, the mayor pointed out that this initiative is more costly and may not be immediately affordable for residents.

Coltart highlighted the engineering requirements for this project, such as duplicating the pipeline from Insiza to Ncema treatment works, duplicating the pipeline from Mtshabezi Dam to Ncema, and doubling the size of the Tuli Reservoir. These aspects were discussed during the meeting with AfDB officials.

The Bulawayo United Residents Association chairperson, Winos Dube, expressed residents' frustration with the water shortages and emphasized the importance of immediate solutions to the problem. He also highlighted the increased risk of waterborne diseases such as cholera due to the ongoing water crisis.

Dube called upon the local authorities to provide water bowsers to areas without tap water and reactivate boreholes to ensure residents have access to clean water.

Source - newsday
More on: #BCC, #Water, #AfDB