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Zanu-PF ready for by-elections

by Staff reporte
30 Oct 2023 at 05:13hrs | Views
Zanu-PF is fully prepared for the upcoming by-elections in various categories, including senatorial, parliamentary, and local authority positions across the country, according to the party's National Political Commissar, Mike Bimha.

The ruling party is determined to regain the seats it lost to the opposition in the August elections and to expand its representation in the legislature.

The by-elections have been triggered by a combination of factors, including the passing of some incumbents and recalls due to internal disputes within the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC).

Zanu-PF recalled 15 of its parliamentarians from the lower house and nine from the Senate, citing that they had been unfairly imposed on the CCC ticket during the August elections.

In the Gutu West constituency, the by-elections were postponed due to the tragic death of one of the candidates just before the August general elections.

Zanu-PF has already launched its campaign in Gutu West to rally support for its candidate, John Paradza, who also serves as the Deputy Secretary for Youth Affairs. The party is determined to secure victory in this constituency and further solidify its influence in the province.

Several more by-elections are scheduled for next month and in December in various constituencies due to election postponements and legislative recalls.

In December, additional by-elections will be held to fill the seats left vacant by CCC's recall of legislators from both the lower house and the Senate.

The CCC lost 15 members in the National Assembly and the Senate, as well as several councillors, predominantly in the Matabeleland Province.

President Mnangagwa has officially set December 9 as the date for the by-elections to fill the nine vacancies in the National Assembly resulting from the recall of 15 Citizens Coalition for Change legislators.

The Nomination Court is set to convene on November 7.

These by-elections will take place in nine constituencies, with six of the 15 recalled MPs having been elected through proportional representation.

Bimha emphasized that Zanu-PF is well-prepared for the upcoming by-elections and is determined to secure victory in most, if not all, of the contested seats in both parliamentary chambers.

The party also aims to make inroads in Bulawayo, with the goal of winning all the by-elections in the city.

The opposition party CCC is currently experiencing internal divisions due to a power struggle, which has created paralysis within its ranks.

Source - The Herald