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Zanu-PF affiliate Farmers4ED here to stay, says founder

by Staff reporter
13 Nov 2023 at 00:50hrs | Views
Farmers for Economic Development (Farmers4ED), an affiliate of the ruling party Zanu-PF, has affirmed its commitment to remain an influential force in the country's political landscape and to staunchly defend the legacy of President Emmerson Mnangagwa. The organization expressed its support for President Mnangagwa after being nominated for the Perence Shiri Hurudza Legacy Award at the Legacy Empowerment Awards 2023 event, scheduled for December 2, 2023.

Tapiwa Chitate, National Chairman of Farmers4ED, shared his enthusiasm about the recognition, emphasizing the organization's dedication to ensuring food self-sufficiency and shielding President Mnangagwa's legacy from detractors.

"We are excited to be recognized for championing agricultural production and pushing the agenda to produce adequate food stocks for our people. As Farmers4ED, we will remain resolute in support of President Mnangagwa's vision and defend his legacy," stated Chitate, a loyal supporter of President Mnangagwa.

While the specific monetary rewards for the association were unclear at the time of reporting, it was suggested that winners, including Farmers4ED, could receive significant rewards, with President Mnangagwa potentially distributing vehicles to support his allies.

Legacy TV Executive Director, Pardon Mangwende, communicated to Farmers4ED, acknowledging the organization for its "efforts in rural industrialization and contributions in mobilizing farmers to vote for Zanu-PF and President ED Mnangagwa in the 2023 harmonized elections."

The Perence Shiri Hurudza Legacy Award is named after the late Agriculture minister Perence Shiri, a key figure in the liberation struggle who later became Air Chief Marshal and minister, contributing to national food security initiatives.

Farmers4ED stands out among Zanu-PF affiliates that have maintained their presence, unlike others that have faded into obscurity, such as Young Women 4ED, VaPostori for ED, Mahwindi4ED, Rastas4ED, Single Women4ED, Footballers4ED, Lawyers 4ED, Miners Forum 4ED, and Teachers for ED. Some of these groups emerged ahead of the August 23 and 24 polls, either disbanding or going underground after initially overshadowing Zanu-PF structures in the lead-up to the elections.

Source - newzimbabwe