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Zanu-PF Youth League boss wins Gutu West Parliament seat

by Staff reporter
13 Nov 2023 at 00:51hrs | Views
John Paradza, the Deputy Secretary for Youth Affairs in the Zanu-PF Politburo, secured a resounding victory in the parliamentary by-election held on Saturday.

Paradza, widely recognized as the de facto youth leader, garnered 12,147 votes, securing a decisive win. Independent candidate Sebastian Mudzingwa trailed far behind in second place with 1,775 votes. Ephraim Morudu of CCC secured 1,258 votes, claiming the third position, while Robson Kurwa of the National Constitutional Assembly (NCA) party came in last with a mere 138 votes.

According to reports from the state media, there were 132 spoiled ballots, as announced at the constituency command center at Matizha Primary School. The presiding officer, Augustine Musasa, indicated a 60.2% voter turnout.

Zanu-PF's retention of the Gutu West parliamentary seat now brings the ruling party's tally to 24 out of 26 seats in Masvingo province.

The by-election in Gutu West was necessitated by the passing of Christopher Mutonhori, the husband of Tourism minister Barbara Rwodzi, who was a candidate in the initial August 23 polls. The weekend by-election allowed the Gutu West electorate to choose their representative in the National Assembly.

Source - newzimbabwe