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Two men gruesomely murdered by rapist

by Desmond Nleya
13 Nov 2023 at 21:07hrs | Views
Two men from Paste village, in Plumtree, were gruesomely murdered by a rapist and his friends last week.

Million Moyo and Bhekinkosi Ncube were stabbed by a shoe needle to death by Modiri Dube (27) of Mpoengs in Plumtree in the company of two still at large accomplices.

The state led by Mr Selestine Madziwa heard that on 31 October 2023, the accused, two unidentified men and the now deceased were coming from a beer drink when a misunderstanding arose.

It is alleged that Dube accused the now-deceased of spreading falsehoods that he was a rapist.

With the help of other two men who are still at large, they started beating the now deceased before force marching  to his homestead where he killled all of them using shoe needle.

After the gruesome murder, Dube and his friends threw the bodies in a deep well.

The crime came to light on 01 November 2023 when one of the villagers saw Dube peeping on the well and became suspicious.

The villager became suspicious and went to check the well where he discovered the bodies floating.

A report was made to police leading to the arrest of the accused.

Mr Joshua Nembaware remanded Dube in custody to 20 November 2023 and advised him to apply for bail at the High court.

Source - Byo24News