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Bus stoner in court

by Peter Matuka
18 Nov 2023 at 22:49hrs | Views
A Binga man who stoned a Stallion Cruise Bus last week was dragged to Hwange Magistrates court on Friday.

Washington Mungombe (24) pleaded guilty to the charge of Malicious Damage to Property before magistrate Rumbidzai Yolanda Kabasa.

The magistrate will sentence Mungombe on December 14, he will be out of custody.

The court heard that Mungombe boarded a Stallion Cruise bus at Makunku Business Centre bus stop together with his two friends. 

Whilst in the bus, the three were asked to pay a $1 each bus fare from Makunku Business Centre to Nzovunde bus stop. 

Mungombe then told  Lovemore Munyekeza who is the bus conductor that he has a USD $100  note only in his pocket. 

The Court further heard that the conductor insisted that he has no change for such a big amount. This sparked a serious argument between the two until Mungombe finally released the required $1 bus fare. 

The court finally heard that upon disembarking from the bus, the young man went wild and picked up a stone and hit the bus window. 

Bornwell Muleya who is the bus driver together with Lovemore reacted swiftly to the angry boy and managed to bring him to a calm. 

However, the boy bit the driver once on his right side of the chest and stabbed the conductor once on his right hand side using an okapi knife. 

The okapi knife was later grabbed by Washington's accomplice who was only identified as William and fled the scene.

Source - Byo24News
More on: #Bus, #Court, #Stoning