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Zanu-PF bigwigs, moneybags throw full weight behind Chinhoyi Ward 2 by-election candidate

by Staff reporter
26 Nov 2023 at 23:57hrs | Views
The Zanu-PF candidate poised for the Chinhoyi Ward 2 by-election has garnered significant support from influential figures within the party. Walter Mutevhani, the endorsed candidate, received unanimous backing from party heavyweights and financial backers who have pledged their full support for his candidacy.

Mutevhani's endorsement bypassed the need for a primary election, and he is set to contest the vacant ward seat left by the late Patricia Chibaya. The upcoming by-election, scheduled for December 2, 2023, marks an opportunity for Zanu-PF to reclaim a seat that has been in opposition hands for nearly two decades.

Mary Mliswa-Chikoka, the Zanu-PF Mashonaland West Provincial Chairman, aims to capitalize on what she perceives as a weakened opposition due to internal conflicts. In a campaign rally held in the populous Gadzema suburb, key party figures, including Christopher Mutsvangwa, Prisca Mupfumira, and Mike Chimombe, rallied support for Mutevhani.

Thomas Chidzomba, a former parliamentary candidate, also pledged additional community development initiatives if Zanu-PF secures victory. Mliswa-Chikoka emphasized the importance of unity among party members to secure success in the upcoming election.

Addressing the crowd, Mliswa-Chikoka highlighted the transformative projects initiated by Zanu-PF in the ward, such as chicken and rabbit rearing projects. She urged party members to take the ward from the opposition, citing the latter's failure to provide adequate social services to residents.

Christopher Mutsvangwa cautioned against voting for the Citizens' Coalition for Change (CCC) candidate, arguing that internal factional disputes within the opposition could lead to candidate recalls. The political landscape in Chinhoyi currently features two elected Zanu-PF councillors, one independent councillor, and CCC, which had 12 elected councillors before recent recalls.

Mutevhani, who narrowly lost in the previous election, promised to address community issues, including water shortages, road conditions, and street lighting. He also committed to using personal resources to tackle challenges if elected.

Zanu-PF's recent successes in local authority by-elections in Hurungwe and Banket were cited by Mliswa-Chikoka as an endorsement of President Mnangagwa's leadership. The victories in these elections further underscored the ruling party's dominance in the province.

Source - newzimbabwe