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Harare councillors blow US$24,000 in Nyanga despite cholera surge

by Staff reporter
27 Nov 2023 at 10:49hrs | Views
At a time when cholera is ravaging the capital city, Harare City Council officials have chosen to attend a workshop in Nyanga where they are said to be blowing an astonishing US$24 000 in hefty allowances funded by ratepayers.

Dozens of people have died while more than 7,000 suspected cases were recorded and this has resulted in a state of emergency being declared in Harare.

But the city fathers have chosen to blow money in a controversial workshop leaving Harare without leaders at a time when they are needed the most.

The workshop is dubbed the Zimbabwe Institute of Strategic Thinking Annual Conference. It will be held at Troutbeck in Nyanga from this Monday to Wednesday.

"The following has been recommended to attend the workshop, His Worship the Mayor Cllr L Chitengu, Deputy Mayor Cllr R Muronda, Councilors Cllr C Mande, Cllr E Ruzani, Cllr RM Jakopo, Cllr T Machirori, Cllr F Chabuda and Cllr L Makuwerere, Town Clerk Eng H. A Chisango, Rtd Major M Marara, G Kusangaya, S Chimbetete, B Hlabanu, Drivers L Nyanga, P Mudzambara and Town Clerks Aide and all chairpersons," read part of a report by the Town Clerk to the Human Resources and General Purposes Committee.

"The topics to be covered will be as follows, leveraging on indigenous capital base to drive social and economic transformation and possible pathways for a pragmatic approach by 2030.

"The role of monetary policy and dynamics towards refined optional currency in Zimbabwe and Refining Zimbabwe's economic recovery plan.

"The travelling dates are as follows 26 and 30 November 2023."

Investigative journalist Hopewell Chin'ono argues that it is too expensive for the struggling city to spend US$24 000 on the workshop. He added that it is wrong for the Mayor and his deputy to go away when Harare is being hit hard by cholera.

"I am totally upset with City of Harare councillors, there is a cholera state of emergency in Harare and yet their councillors have gone to a workshop in Nyanga. What is wrong with these people?

"Can you imagine that the Mayor and Deputy Mayor will be away in the middle of a cholera emergency," he said.

"The rate payers are paying US$24,000 for the 13 people plus more for the 10 chairpersons, 23 people in total!

"Whoever cursed this country must be dead, if they were alive they would feel sorry for us and remove their curse!

"They simply don't care about the people!"

Chin'ono added that the continued behaviour of workshops out of Harare by Harare City Councillors confirmed Dr Nkosana Moyo's assertion that "many in Zimbabwe are not fighting for CHANGE, they are fighting for INCLUSION so that they can loot too!"

"Can the Mayor of Harare explain why he would leave the city together with his deputy Mayor and councillors in the middle of a cholera State of Emergency?

"Can he explain why he thinks it is normal for him and his councillors to get an allowance of US$200 a day for 4 days whilst having their meals and accommodation paid for by taxpayers yet he can't deliver clean water because he says the city is broke?

"How different are they from Zanu-PF?"

Source - Nehanda Radio