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Insiza RDC chairperson steps down amidst Zanu-PF pressure

by Staff reporter
30 Nov 2023 at 15:10hrs | Views
Insiza Rural District Ward 9 Councillor Reason Msipha has reportedly resigned as council chairperson following pressure from ZANU-PF councillors.

ZANU-PF councillors had previously boycotted two full council meetings in protest of Msipha's election as chairperson. They alleged that his election was influenced by votes from the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC).

The internal conflict within ZANU-PF stemmed from the desire to replace Msipha with Luke Dube, who lost the election to Msipha.

Sources within the council confirmed that Msipha stepped down during a full council meeting on Wednesday.

"We had a full council meeting; all councillors were present. Reason Msipha resigned as the chairperson," said a councillor who spoke on condition of anonymity.

A ZANU-PF member confirmed that Msipha had stepped down following pressure from senior party members.

"There are some senior party members in the province who did not want Msipha to continue as the council chairperson. However, there was a pushback from some members of the party who felt that the order was unjustified," said the party member.

"The matter was taken to Gwanda and the province wrote a letter to the Secretary-General Obert Mpofu and it went further to the national chairman. It was meant to be discussed at politburo level".

The source also revealed that Msipha resigned to save his seat after learning that he was about to be recalled.

Msipha declined to comment on the matter when contacted.

The local authority is expected to hold another full council meeting before the end of the year to elect a new chairperson. Dube is reportedly the frontrunner for the position.

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