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Zimbabwe authorities target sexagenarian in post-election retributive exercise

by Stephen Jakes
04 Dec 2023 at 06:05hrs | Views
ZIMBABWEAN authorities are intensifying a retributive exercise in which they are targeting some perceived opposition political party supporters by arresting and prosecuting them for allegedly committing offences against some ZANU PF political party supporters and the shadowy Forever Associates of Zimbabwe (FAZ), which claims to be an affiliate of the ruling political party.

Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) officers recently arrested Shepherd Muzama, a 61-year-old man, who resides in Mafurere village under Chief Marange in Manicaland province, and charged him with malicious damage to property as defined in section 140 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act.

In court, prosecutors alleged that Muzama, a supporter of the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change political party, on 23 August 2023 damaged a table belonging to Forever Associates Zimbabwe*** and valued at US$90, which had been mounted outside a polling station at Mutsago District Development Fund by a ZANU PF political party supporter, who together with Dadirai Mandingo, Precious Muchanyarei, Peter Muzama and Boniface Mutsago, were recording some names of their political party members, who had voted during the harmonised elections as part of what was called an Exit Poll Survey.

Mutsago prosecutors claimed, confronted the ZANU PF party supporters accusing them of intimidating members of the public, who had turned out to cast their votes.

The sexagenarian allegedly lifted the table, which the ZANU PF party supporters were using and banged it several times on the ground resulting in it being damaged.

Prosecutors also alleged that Mutsago took some cloth branded with the ZANU PF political party logo and an exercise book, which the ruling party supporters were using to record names of people.

For allegedly doing so, prosecutors said Mutsago acted unlawfully.

Mutsago, who was represented by Netsai Nyamwanza of Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights, was granted US$30 bail on Wednesday 22 November 2023 by Mutare Magistrate Tendai Mahwe.

He returns to court on 28 December 2023 for commencement of his trial.

Source - Byo24News