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Man in trouble for illegal possession of copper cables

by Stephen Jakes
06 Dec 2023 at 11:23hrs | Views
A 29-year-old man from eMganwini in Bulawayo has appeared in court facing a charge of illegal possession of copper cables worth US$2300.

Ishmael Ndlovu was not asked to plead when he appeared before Bulawayo magistrate Maxwell Ncube.

He was granted US$50 bail and remanded to December 7.

The complainant in the matter is Elvis Shana, the Loss Control Manager at the Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC).

The court heard that on November 19 at 11pm, police officers from Tshabalala police station were conducting a stop and search roadblock at 12km peg along Bulawayo Plumtree road, where a silver Honda fit vehicle with driver and Ndlovu on board was stopped.

A search was conducted by the police and they found three buckets, a sack and a satchel stashed with copper cables.

It is the state case that Ndlovu and the driver were both interviewed by the police, and it was established that the copper cables belonged to Ndlovu leading to his arrest.

The recovered cables were taken to ZIMPOST for weighing and it had a mass of 114kg with a total cost of US$2 300.

Source - Byo24News