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Fictitious allegations against Sengezo Tshabangu

by Staff reporter
06 Dec 2023 at 13:50hrs | Views
Below is a press statement released by the lawyers of the CCC interim secretary general, Sengezo Tshabangu:

Press  Statement
05 November 2023

We are instructed by our client Sengezo Tshabangu in his personal capacity to make this press statement to address recent scurrilous , malicious and baseless allegations made by one Simba Chinkanza, who plies his "trade" as Zimeye.

The allegations are that our client was seen in the company of some emissaries of Scott Sakupwanya, a Zanu-PF candidate in upcoming elections in Mabvuku.  The emissaries are not named.

Our client considers that Chikanza is not a person of the calibre he can take seriously. This is because of  the fact that the said Chikanza is well known for allegedly publishing  falsehoods, and going to great lengths to misrepresent, lie and frame his targets in order to shape a pre-determined false narrative to service the needs of his clientele.

However, our client wishes to set the record straight.
Chikanza first ambushed our client with telephone calls in order to make political accusations against our client. This was an interview which was forced, where he recorded our client without his consent.
Mr. Tshabangu on tha occasion gave his lawyer the phone and the attempt by Chikanza to herd him into an unsanctioned interview fell flats on tis face and left Chikanza some what embarrassed.

Since then, Chikanza has relentlessly pursued our client under a barrage of assumed personas. In these calls and messages he has pretended to be a supporter of CCC, a Professor, and a prospective donor.

In these instances our client has rejected the "monetary" assistance offered by these personas and suggested that they should donate to charities. He has however always remained respectful and polite to the said individuals as he had no definite way of distinguishing between genuinely concerned citizens and the fraudsters.

Irked by his long record of failure in his fraudulent escapades , the desperate Chikanza resorted to sending his thugs to follow our client around Harare, where he is attending to the numerous cases related to the recalls.

On the 4th of December 2023, after a High Court attendance, our client and his legal returned to the Harare Hotel where they are booked.

While he was in the terrace in the company of Advocate Phulu, Nqobani Sithole, Kholwani Ngwenya and Alfred Dzirutwe, the driver, the thugs were unknowingly following our client around. The results are the photographs that are being circulated by Chikanza and laced with his narrative of choice. The people in those photographs are none other than his legal team at their hotel of choice.

We condemn the harassment and trolling of our client as well as the false and defamatory statements by the said Chikanza. All this is being sadly perpetrated under the guise of journalism.

Our client denies any association with Scott Sakupwanya or any of his associates. He will however continue to receive communications and interact freely with any concerned citizens who want to interview him, advise him, express their concerns or even to express their disagreement with him. He will have to navigate and sieve out the fraudsters but will not stop interacting with Zimbabweans.

We attach the said accompanying photographs, taken by the snooping thugs, showing our team in their engagements.

-- ENDS --

Ncube Attorneys
Number 12 A ,Park Road
Suburbs , Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Phone: (+263772944717)

Source - Ncube Attorneys