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Recalls kingpin affirms commitment to accepting results in the spirit of democracy

by Staff Reporter
09 Dec 2023 at 16:09hrs | Views
Sengezo Tshabangu, the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) interim secretary general and a key figure in the recent recalls, expressed the party's commitment to accepting the outcomes of the upcoming by-elections, emphasizing the importance of a fair and democratic process.

In a recent interview, Mr. Tshabangu underscored the significance of embracing the democratic process, noting that elections played a pivotal role in shaping the political landscape. He highlighted the importance of conducting elections in a free and fair manner, free from intimidation and coercion.

"To us, any outcome will be accepted, although everyone knows that when you go into any contest, the objective is to win. However, in this political game, it's either you win or lose, and you must be prepared to accept, especially the losing part. It's all part of democracy," Mr. Tshabangu stated.

He acknowledged that a free and fair election with widely accepted results was a cornerstone of the democratic values that the party's predecessors had fought for. The interim secretary general views the by-elections as an opportunity to lay a foundation for democracy as the nation looks ahead to the 2028 elections.

Expressing concern over reported voter apathy, Mr. Tshabangu acknowledged the potential impact on the electoral landscape, suggesting that historically, low voter turnout has benefited the ruling party, Zanu-PF. He urged citizens to actively participate in the democratic process, ensuring their voices are heard.

Mr. Tshabangu gained attention earlier in the political arena when he spearheaded a series of recalls after the August harmonized elections. At that time, he cited issues with the party's selection process for candidates as the impetus for the recalls, causing ripples within the Zimbabwean political landscape. His recent statements underscore a commitment to a more inclusive and democratic political future for the Citizens Coalition for Change.

Source - Byo24News