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Imbiber glasses colleague over shop closure

by Peter Matuka
10 Dec 2023 at 09:25hrs | Views
A 27-year-old man from Malalya area under Chief Nekatambe in Binga, Nyashadzashe Tshuma appeared before Hwange Magistrate Ms Rumbidzai Yolanda Kabasa on Thursday morning, pleading guilty to a charge of physical abuse in a case stemming from a drinking spree conflict.

According to Prosecutor Chido Tshuma, the incident unfolded on November 27 in the evening when the complainant Mihlayifani Tshuma and the accused person Nyashadzashe Tshuma were at Malalya business centre enjoying beer drinking.

A misunderstanding arose between the two when the accused person Nyashadzashe accused Mihlayifani of ordering the shop to be closed.

The Accused person then hit the complainant once on the right side of his cheek using an empty beer bottle causing a serious injury.

The incident was reported to ZRP Kamativi where investigations were made leading to the arrest of Nyashadzashe.

During the court proceedings, Magistrate Ms Rumbidzai Yolanda Kabasa found Tshuma guilty as charged.

Tshuma was sentenced to 20 months imprisonment where six months were suspended on the usual five-year condition and 14 months were suspended on the condition that he performs 419 hours of community service at Malalya clinic starting from December 11.

Source - Byo24News