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MRP gears up for Umkhombandlela rally

by Mandla Ndlovu
16 Dec 2023 at 10:44hrs | Views
The Mthwakazi Republic Party (MRP) is set to host its highly anticipated Umkhombandlela Rally on December 21, 2023, at Stanley Hall in Makokoba, Bulawayo. The event comes at a crucial time for the party, which has faced a tumultuous year marked by internal challenges and external pressures.

In a press statement released today, Cde Sehliselo Ndebele of the MRP organizing department highlighted the numerous hurdles the party has encountered throughout the year. These challenges include illegal dismissals, a disappointing performance in the August 23 harmonized elections, the dissolution of the National Executive Committee (NEC), incarcerated party members, and the impending elective Congress.

Despite these setbacks, the MRP is optimistic about the Umkhombandlela Rally, which is expected to bring together party members from across the Mthwakazi Nation. The event aims to address the various issues facing the party and chart a way forward, emphasizing unity and solidarity among the MRP family.

"All provincial leaders and our Charters are encouraged to prioritize doing everything in their power to make this meeting a success. Those with pledges are welcome. Kindly contact the Organizing department, Administration, or the Treasury department," stated Ndebele in the press release.

Bulawayo province, as the host province, has been urged to ensure widespread awareness of the program, emphasizing the importance of participation in the rally.

In a bid to make the event not only politically significant but also culturally vibrant, the MRP has invited Maskandi and Rhumba Musicians for entertainment. Additionally, in the spirit of the festive season, attendees can expect food, drinks, and a festive atmosphere. "Inyama le Ngwebu izobe ikhona," declared the statement, promising a festive and celebratory ambiance.

As the MRP family prepares to gather for this crucial meeting, the party extended warm wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, urging everyone to travel safely and arrive alive. The rallying cry "Woza labangani bakho, woza Mthwakazi Omuhle, Ondlela Zimhlophe" resonates as a call for unity and progress within the MRP.

The Umkhombandlela Rally is poised to be a pivotal moment for the MRP, providing an opportunity to address challenges, strengthen party bonds, and set the course for the future. The party's commitment to "Peace Justice In Our Life Time" remains at the forefront of their objectives, as echoed in their rallying cry, "Sisonke Sibambene SinguMthwakazi Sesikulungisa."

Source - Byo24News