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CCC, Obey Sithole finally bury hatchet following online tiff

by Staff reporter
01 Jan 2024 at 12:02hrs | Views
A recent online dispute between former MDC Alliance Youth Assembly leader, Obey Sithole, and the administrator of the Citizens Coalition for Change's (CCC) X profile has been resolved. The opposition party admitted to mistakenly blocking Sithole.

Sithole took to X to express his disappointment at being blocked by a party in which he had invested and questioned the reason behind the block since he had not interacted directly with the party on the platform for an extended period.

Political activist Makomborero Haruzivishe placed the blame on party spokesperson Promise Mkhwananzi, stating, "A certain insecure coward hiding behind our party handle took cowardice to another level and settled at blocking me," as mentioned by Sithole on Friday. He continued to express his determination, stating, "We certainly have fake democrats in our midst who think that they can abuse their proximity to our president to push others (out) through lies. I remain resolute."

Sithole had previously served as the MDC Alliance Youth Assembly Chairperson until the formation of the CCC, following their expulsion by former Secretary General Douglas Mwonzora.

The apparent error in blocking Sithole is part of a series of attacks on individuals within the movement who are perceived to be against party President Nelson Chamisa or supportive of factions reportedly led by Sengezo Tshabangu but associated with Tendai Biti, Welshman Ncube, and Charlton Hwende. These three have been accused, without direct evidence, of spearheading recalls of CCC Members of Parliament (MPs) and councillors through Tshabangu, who claims to be their Secretary General.

The CCC issued an apology to Sithole, stating, "We apologize for noticing, through your public post on your X account, that this account accidentally blocked you. It was never our intention to target individuals under unclear circumstances. It would be unfortunate for the citizens' movement to block individuals who are fighting for a better Zimbabwe for everyone. Rest assured it was not intentional."

Sithole is among several opposition youth leaders currently pursuing education at European institutions.

Source - newzimbabwe
More on: #Ccc, #Sithole, #Tiff