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3 boys in miraculous escape from abductors in Zimbabwe

by Staff reporter
03 Jan 2024 at 00:31hrs | Views
THREE boys from Chinhoyi narrowly escaped danger and managed to survive an abduction ordeal. The minors, aged between 11 and 13, were seized in a bush on the outskirts of Rusununguko suburb while collecting grass feed for rabbits.

As revealed in a leaked internal police memorandum obtained by, an unidentified assailant targeted the victims, all residents of Cherima suburb, forcing them to march over 10 kilometers to a secluded area.

"On the 27th day of December 2023, at around 0900 hours, and at Rusununguko bushy area, three male juveniles (names and addresses withheld) went to the bush in Rusununguko to fetch rabbit feed (grass).

"While they were busy gathering the grass, they were approached by one unknown adult male who was holding a machete and ordered them to walk in a single file in front of him, and they complied for fear of their lives.

"He crossed Hunyani River with the kids and walked with them for a distance of about 11km until they reached a place in the bush where there was a parked black unregistered Caravan kombi," reads the memo.

Upon reaching the parked kombi, two unknown male adults wearing black T-shirts, black trousers, black gumboots, and black masks disembarked from the vehicle, holding three empty sacks and ropes. They proceeded to tie the complainants' hands and legs, placed them in sacks, and loaded them into the seatless vehicle, driving for about two kilometers.

"The kombi stopped in the bush, and the complainants were lifted from the kombi into a thick bush behind a hill, removed from the sacks, and were made to sit down."

The assailants then ordered the complainants to undress and demanded an Itel S16 cellphone from one of the victims. The kidnapping plot was disrupted when the perpetrators heard the voices of women cutting firewood. They went to investigate, leaving one behind to pack the complainants' clothes. Seizing the opportunity, the boys escaped from the scene.

The incident was reported under (Report Received Book) RRB 570833 at ZRP Chikonohono Base, and the police promptly attended the scene. The total value of stolen property was US$35, and none of it was recovered.

Source - newzimbabwe
More on: #Boys, #Kidnap, #Chonhoyi