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Sikhala Solidarity Movement vows 'protracted struggle' for prisoners' release

by Staff reporter
18 Jan 2024 at 12:48hrs | Views
The Job Sikhala Solidarity Council emphasizes that it is not driven by political aspirations but is focused on advocating for the release of political prisoners. Formed last year by former Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) legislator Job Sikhala while in detention, the solidarity council is specifically lobbying for Sikhala's release.

In a statement, the organization explicitly distances itself from any claims of being a political entity. It clarifies that the Job Sikhala Solidarity Movement serves as a united front for pro-democracy advocates aiming to secure the freedom of political prisoners and strengthen democracy in Zimbabwe. The movement asserts that its goal is not to seize state power but to expand democratic space, allowing for free, fair, and credible elections and putting an end to disputed elections and manipulation.

Established in response to criticism directed at CCC for not actively advocating for the release of Job Sikhala during his 18 months of incarceration, the solidarity council has faced challenges, including the blocking of its rallies by the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP).

The statement calls on citizens who support the ideals of a just, free, and equal Zimbabwe to join the Solidarity movement. It emphasizes key objectives, including pushing for judicial independence, sustainable people-centered economic planning, the release of political prisoners, and electoral reforms in Zimbabwe.

The Job Sikhala Solidarity Council marks January 24 as an important day on its calendar, anticipating the potential release of Job Sikhala, who has spent nearly 600 days in prison. The movement views Sikhala's freedom as the beginning of an ongoing struggle for the liberation of all oppressed people in Zimbabwe, encouraging Zimbabweans to gather at the Harare Magistrates Courts on Freedom Day to show support.

Source - newzimbabwe