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Newly deployed teacher raped on schools' opening day

by Staff reporter
23 Jan 2024 at 23:50hrs | Views
A NEWLY deployed teacher at a school in Zhombe, Kwekwe District, was waylaid on her way to a blair toilet by a sexpest who went on to rape her.

Kwekwe District Schools Inspector Mr Herbert Maziriri confirmed the incident which occurred on school's opening day.

"I can confirm that we received a report to the effect that a female teacher who had just been deployed was sexually assaulted by an unknown man. The matter is now in the hands of the police as we speak," he said.

Police could not readily comment saying they were yet to receive the report.

A councillor in the area said the incident occurred around 6AM when the teacher was going to the toilet.

"According to information we have, she had woken up to go the toilet when the man pounced on her and raped her in the toilet. The incident has left the community gutted and we are working as a community to try and identify the perpetrator because we cannot let such a thing happen in our midst,' he said.

Source - The Chronicle
More on: #Teacher, #Rape, #School