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Drunk man bashes wife to death

by Simbarashe Sithole
26 Jan 2024 at 06:54hrs | Views
A drunk 71-year-old Mudzi man is in trouble after he assaulted his wife to death after a beer binge.

Joseph Zuze was dragged to Mutoko magistrates courts where he was not asked to plead to a murder charge before magistrate Chiedza Gatsi.

The state led by Nathan Majuru alleged on December 22 the accused and his now deceased wife Angela Vindhla  were drinking beer at a party next door when the two got drunk and a misunderstanding arose.

Zuze ordered his wife to go home while the wife insisted that she wanted to sleep.

The hubby pushed his wife and she fell on a rock there by sustaining a head injury.

A witness Wendy Chikore went to fetch water to pour on the deceased and discovered that she had been dragged to the gate by Zuze.

Since that day the deceased  was complaining of headaches until  January 17 when she eventually died.

The police arrested Zuze and investigations are still on going.

Source - Byo24News
More on: #Assaulted, #Wife, #Death