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FAZ in mass deployments

by Staff reporter
02 Feb 2024 at 04:03hrs | Views
The Forever Associates of Zimbabwe Trust (FAZ), a perceived proxy for Zanu-PF known for allegedly intimidating rural voters during the August 2023 general elections, is reported to have deployed its operatives to six constituencies where by-elections are scheduled for February 3.

The by-elections are set to take place in Pelandaba-Tshabalala, Mkoba North, Chegutu West, Zvimba East, Seke, and Goromonzi South, all triggered by the recalls of constituency legislators by the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), orchestrated by the party's contested interim secretary-general, Sengezo Tshabangu.

NewsHub reports that FAZ, believed to have ties to the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO), has dispatched numerous agents to these constituencies with the purported objectives of monitoring the situation, collecting intelligence, and covertly intimidating voters.

FAZ President Kudakwashe Mavula Munsaka acknowledged the large-scale deployments in an interview with NewsHub, stating, "Our organization prioritizes Zanu-PF campaigns, and each time the party is going into an election, we go on the ground to work. This has happened with regard to the coming Saturday by-elections. At present, our volunteers (agents) are focusing on campaigning, and we are yet to decide as to whether they should be party agents."

In the past, FAZ reportedly deployed around 5,000 agents across the country to clandestinely collect voter data and intelligence transmitted to the CIO before the August 2023 general elections. During that period, FAZ also distributed misleading fliers just before polls opened, falsely suggesting that the opposition had withdrawn from the election. The organization set up "exit poll" booths and tables within and outside polling stations, a move criticized by observer missions and the opposition, who deemed it a strategy to intimidate voters.

Source - pindula
More on: #FAZ, #Mass, #Deployment