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Zanu-PF security aide in court for assaulting Mnangagwa; fined US$200

by Staff reporter
06 Feb 2024 at 17:46hrs | Views
A man from Harare, claiming to be a security aide at the Zanu-PF headquarters, has appeared in court on assault charges after allegedly attacking Tourism Deputy Minister Tongai Mnangagwa and Wellington Vengesai.

Anthony Mwedziwendira, aged 30, stood before Harare Magistrate Apollonia Marutya, where he pleaded guilty to assault. He was fined US$200 and faces imprisonment if unable to pay the fine.

Mwedziwendira is scheduled to return to court on Tuesday for a bail hearing related to another case involving unlawful drug possession, where he is jointly charged with his alleged accomplice, Jasper Kuziva, aged 25.

According to the prosecution led by Thomas Chanakira, on January 30th, at approximately 10:15 PM, at Trude Mansions, located at the corner of 6th Street and Five Avenue in Harare, Vengesai encountered Mwedziwendira, who was loudly complaining about his motor vehicles being blocked by Vengesai's group. This confrontation escalated as Mwedziwendira physically assaulted Mnangagwa and Vengesai. He grabbed Mnangagwa by the collar before turning his aggression towards Vengesai, grabbing him by the beard and questioning his lack of shaving. Mwedziwendira threatened violence, claiming he would shoot them if they mocked him, although he didn't brandish any firearm. Vengesai managed to push him away, while attempts were made to restrain Gapa, who resisted.

Following the incident, Mwedziwendira quickly left the scene in one of his cars. Subsequently, on the same night, the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) received reports of the accused individuals dealing in dangerous drugs at Fife Avenue shops and engaging in a public brawl. Upon investigation, the police found four vehicles used by the accused to stash drugs. However, the accused had fled, leaving the vehicles locked. The police placed the vehicles under 24-hour guard and later arrested Mwedziwendira and Kuziva on January 31st, recovering various drugs and related paraphernalia from the vehicles, with a street value of $825,000.

The seized drugs and vehicles are being held as evidence.

Source - newzimbabwe