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Knight Frank creates cholera super spreader time bomb in Bulawayo's Pioneer House

by Simba Jemwa
13 Feb 2024 at 07:07hrs | Views
A building in Bulawayo has become a potential cholera super spreader after going for more than 10 days without water.Managed by renowned property manager, Knight Frank, Pioneer House which belongs to the National Railways of Zimbabwe Pensions Fund has left scores of tenants at risk of contracting the gastrointestinal infection.

Health authorities are yet to confirm the exact source of the recent cholera outbreaks, but poor waste water management and local government instability have been blamed for the situation.

At Pioneer House, toilets have not had water for more than 10 days leading to tenants fearing for their lives.
A tenant who asked not to be named for fear of reprisals from the property manager, said the building has been without water since February 2 with no reasons given.

"We have been without water since Friday, 2 February and no one has bothered to explain to us why this situation is prevailing. It seems they are not concerned about the risk of cholera. None of the toilets in the entire building are working," revealed the tenant.

When this reporter toured some of the building's toilets, a rancid smell was evident from meters away. Corridors in the building have been smelling for days with no solution or explanation in site.

The building houses many corporates including media houses, law firms, hair saloons and a bar/restaurant.

Over the last 12 days, the lifts have not been working and only came back online this Tuesday.

Source - Simba Jemwa